


March 2021:


August 2020:

Well, we indeed can be productive keeping all our meetings online!

July 2020:

Alexander receives a prestigious NIH R35 Outstanding Investigator Award

Jarrod Marto (DFCI) and Alexander receive grant continuation funding through the DFCI/NU Joint Program in Cancer Drug Development. Thank you to Everyone who contributed to this grant application!

A brand new addition to the lab! Welcome to the Ivanov Lab and the Barnett Institute, Exploris 480! We look forward to generating new exciting data with the great help of this new instrument!


June 2020:

Congrats to Jackie, Xianyi, Alan and Sarath on their paper e-published in Trends in Biotechnology

Congratulations to Michal on his awesome talk and to Anne-Lise, Honza, and Kendall on their posters presented at ASMS 2020 Reboot! Great job, Everyone!

May 2020:

Congrats to Kendall Johnson, who has been selected as one of the winners of the EAS Graduate Student Research Awards. Kendall is one of four students selected from many highly qualified nominees.

April 2020:

Congratulations to Amr Ali on his paper e-published in Biotechnology Journal

James Kostas was selected as this year’s recipient of the  Undergraduate Research Award.  Congratulations, James!

April 7th 2020:

Our weekly lab meetings are moved to the online Zoom format:

February 2020:

Congrats to Sarath Alli on his new position at AMGEN!

January 2020:

Alan Zimmerman joins the lab and begins his Ph.D. research projects! Welcome aboard!

December 2019:

Congratulations to Sarath Alli on his graduation and an MS in Biotechnology degree!

June 2019:

Toni, Michal, Cliff and presented posters at ASMS 2019 in Atlanta, Georgia

 May 2019

Alexander gave a talk and chaired a session at CPSA Analytics 2019:

Toni, best of luck at your new position at MIT! Keep in touch!


April 2019

Zhengxin Fu successfully defended her MS thesis. Congrats Zhengxin!

Congratulations to Amr Ali on his paper e-published in Biotechnology Journal

March 2019

Anne-Lise Marie and Alexander gave talks at MSB 2019 in Oregon (

Jan (Honza) Schejbal joins the lab as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Welcome aboard!


January 2019

Alexander Makarov (Thermo) visits the Barnett Institute and NU at the event organized and hosted by Prof. Alexander Ivanov

Amanda Figueroa-Navedo and Xianyi Su join the lab and begin their Ph.D. research projects! Welcome aboard!

Arnik Shah begins his journey towards his Ph.D. degree through the Industrial Ph.D. Program at NU.


January 2018:

Kendall Johnson joins the lab and starts her Ph.D. research projects! Welcome aboard!

Nikolay Panikov joins the lab as a Visiting Scientist! Welcome aboard!

 June 2018:

Alexander organized and hosted a research symposium devoted to the renewed partnership of Northeastern University and Thermo Fisher Scientific

August 2018:

Arseniy, congrats on your cover story paper published in Electrophoresis!

October 2018:

Alexander is featured in COS News

February 2018:

Alexander is featured in COS NU News

Michal Greguš joins the lab as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Welcome aboard! Buckle up and enjoy the ride!


January 2017:

Alexander was featured in COS NU News

April 2017:

Anne-Lise Marie joins the lab as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Welcome aboard!

August 26, 2017:

Alexander starts his lab at Northeastern University! Best of luck to the Ivanov Lab!

September 2017:

Arseniy, congrats on your successful defense! Well done!

October 2017:

Alexander hosts and chairs the 2017 Global CESI-MS Symposium

September 2017:

Cliff Phaneuf begins his journey towards his Ph.D. degree through the Industrial Ph.D. Program at NU.

Ivanov receives an NIH R01 award

September – December 2017:

Guinevere Kammejer from the Leiden University Medical Center joins the Ivanov Lab as a Visiting Scientist 

December 2017:

Arseniy, congrats on your paper published in JASMS!

December 2017:

Alexander is giving a lab tour after teaching his section of the CHEM5599 class:

November 2017:

Alex Langston (B.S. 2017) and Guinevere Kammejer (Visiting Scientist) are having fun counting uncountable peaks.

June 2015:

October 2015:

Sarah Geller begins her journey towards her Ph.D. degree with Alexander through the Industrial Ph.D. Program at NU


Office Location

140 The Fenway, Room 416TF (Mailstop 412TF)

Northeastern University,

Barnett Institute of Chemical and Biological Analysis,

360 Huntington Avenue, 412TF

Boston, MA, 02115, USA
